New Parishioner Welcome to our Parish. Please take the time to fill in the Parish Registration form below or download the word document here, print and hand in to the parish office. New Parishioner Please Select One* New Parishioner Old Parishioner Name First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code Postal Address if different Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code Email LandlineMobileOccupationReligionFirst Name of Spouse First Last name if different EmailLandlineMobileOccupationReligionChildren Within the HouseholdName of ChildDate of BirthMale/FemaleBaptism yes/noReconciliation yes/noConfirmation yes noEucharist yes/no Wanting to get involved in the Parish, select from the ministries below. Select All Altar server Minister of the Word/Reader Minister of Holy Communion Musician Cantor Projectionist Church Cleaning & Laundry Flowers Seasonal Liturgical Arrangements Collectors Organise Parish Functions Photography Catechesis/Children's Liturgy Service/Outreach/Mission Activities Planned GivingFor the support of the Parish, its activities and staff, please indicate if you wish to make a regular donation. (please ignore if you are already enrolled in the scheme)I would like to use giving envelopes Yes No I prefer to do automatic payment Yes No Agree or DisagreeIn submitting this form I agree to my/our details being used for parish administration purposes. The information will only be accessed by authorised parish staff and will not be distributed to third parties. I have the right to change or access my information and understand this form will be destroyed when no longer needed.Agree/Disagree* Agree Disagree Name & Date* Δ